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MysticThumbs generates thumbnails of many image formats not natively supported by Windows.
It plugs into Windows Explorer so you don't have to run a separate application to preview your images, see them all in the native shell and Open/Save dialog boxes in all 32 and 64 bit applications.
MysticThumbs has a fully configurable control panel where you can adjust thumbnail generation options and icon overlays, with options like transparency, thumbnail borders, scaling, embedded thumbnail selection and more.
Compound file support for files such as HTML, Maya and EML that use external files to make a complete image.
Options are controlled on a file type / extension level or if required on specific files through context menu control in Explorer.
- QuickView - if you miss your Apple Mac then press Ctrl+Space to QuickView files.
- Photoshop, RAW Photography images, DirectX, Targa & PowerVR game textures and all sorts of other images never looked so good in Explorer.
- All suported file types are all fully configurable.
- Transparency support - opaque, transparent, checkerboard.
- Image viewer to inspect all supported file types via context menu.
- Individual image customization via context menu.
- Enchanced support for native Windows supported images, PNG, TIFF, BMP etc.
- Customizable file type icon overlays.
- Thumbnail adornment option, shadow or flat (no frame).
- Force transparent thumbnails on desktop option.
- Plugin support so you can add your own formats.
- Languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukranian.

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It took years, we analyzed data from over 250 tooling catalogs, we built a powerful cutting-edge physics engine with advanced algorithms that consider almost 60 different variables, we added AI Machine Learning algorithms, and we worked with over 100,000 CNC’ers like yourself to make sure you’d have better Tool Life, Surface Finish, and MRR with G-Wizard.
Leave behind outdated rules of thumb and broken tools and see the power of the world’s most advanced CNC software! Explore how our software can improve the efficiency of your machines.
Get Speeds and Feeds in secondsMysticthumbs 3.0.8 full crack
Getting good Speeds and Feeds is quick and easy: Fill in the blanks left to right, top to bottom and
G-Wizard instantly returns the best
Spindle Speed and Feed Rate.
Super simple for Beginners, powerful and flexible for Pros. Plus, the best training materials anywhere free with the product.
Figure the Best Cut Width and Cut Depth
How do you know when you've got the best Cut Depth and Cut Width? These two parameters matter more than almost any other for best Speeds and Feeds.
G-Wizard will find the best combination to keep tool deflection under control while maximizing Material Removal Rate. No other software can.
Adjusts to Your Needs
Are you looking to maximize tool life or material removal rates? Do you have a small CNC machine or a big industrial machine? Are you trying to hog out a bunch of chips or achieve the best possible surface finish?
G-Wizard makes it easy to dial in exactly
the results you are looking for.
CADCAM Wizards: An Expert in the Box
How often do you get to experiment with hundreds of different feed and speed combinations to find the best one for your job?
CADCAM Wizards will do that for you automatically in a matter of seconds and without asking too many questions. It's like having a machining expert sitting at your shoulder telling you the right combination for the win--another G-Wizard first!
Extensive Tool Crib & Tool Coverage
G-Wizard Calculator handles more different kinds of tooling than any other Speeds and Feeds Calculator.
Import and Export tables from CSV files, use Manufacturer's Recommended Data, define tool geometry, and use dozens of tool types for Mills, Routers (special router cutters handled) and Lathes.
End Mill Speed and Feed: Coatings (including PCD) & Geometry (Ballnose, Upcut, Downcut, Compression, and more)
Drill Feeds and Speeds: Carbide, HSS, and Parabolic
Turning and Lathe Tools
Reamers, Saws, Woodruff Cutters, Corner Rounders, Tapping, Thread Mills, and Boring Heads
High Speed Machining Calculator
High Speed Machining. It's almost magic the way it increases productivity while saving tool life.
But figuring HSM feeds and speeds can also take magic, unless you have G-Wizard Calculator.
Feeds and Speeds for HSM are easy. Chip Thinning, Adaptive Clearing, and Trochoidal Milling are covered. It evens tells you how much to slow down in corners for non-HSM toolpaths.
Easy for Beginners
G-Wizard is not just for Pros, we've got beginners and hobbyists covered too.
G-Wizard has the exclusive ability to adjust feeds and speeds to compensate for the lower rigidity of entry-level CNC machines.

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Plus, we offer free training courses, built in Getting Started Tours, Examples, and much more. CNCCookbook is the world's most comprehesive free online information resource for CNC'ers. Take advantage of it with G-Wizard!

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