Izuku Midoriya Mugen

I had been planning to rewrite this for a while and I've finally got to it, there should pretty fast updates from now on. Please read the A/N below. And thank you for giving this story a chance.

  1. What Are Izuku Midoriya's Powers
  2. Izuku Midoriya's Mom
  3. Izuku Midoriya 100% Mugen
  4. Midoriya Izuku Birthday
  5. Izuku Midoriya's Room

Izuku Midoriya was always a special child, always one who would help anyone in need no matter what. He had a strong sense of right and wrong, but there was just one small problem.

As a mod of Super Smash Bros Crusade, Midoriya's playstyle and moveset is meant to take key inspiration from Jump Force and My Hero: Ones Justice, allowing him to make extensive combos. He uses a meter feature called 'Full Cowl', and it improves his air and ground speed movements. Its also exclusive to his Neutral b '100% Detroit Smash'.

Izuku Midoriya was the only boy in his class who hadn't manifested his Quirk. While all his peers had manifested their own quirks, he was the only one who remained without a quirk.

And in a society that thrived with everyone having quirks….an 'individuality', Izuku was inevitably going to be labelled 'quirk-less'. Or so he thought..

(With Izuku)

  • Midoriya Izuku?), also known as Deku (デク Deku?), is the primary protagonist of the My Hero Academia manga and anime series.
  • Midoriya Izuku is 10 years old when he and his mom moved back to the place where she grew up, Yokohama. There he meets a peculiar man who gives him an offer that will change his whole life.-A crossover fic that illustrates how some events of BNHA will pan out if it shares the same universe with BSD. Same events may still happen, but Izuku is.
  • Check out AAgus's art on DeviantArt. Browse the user profile and get inspired.

He'd always known that not everyone was born equal, he'd known this ever since his classmates had unlocked their quirks… but still he had his own determination and beliefs. And so as he now stood before his childhood friend Katsuki Bakugou AKA 'Kacchan' and his two cronies. Behind him lying on the ground was their recent bully victim.

'That was mean Kacchan! You made him cry…I-I won't let you hurt him anymore!'

Izuku knew it was useless. Ever since Kacchan had got his quirk their relationship had become strained. Kacchan had become a bully, and sometimes his attitude became downright villainous.

But now none of that mattered, even though the boy behind him had a means to protect himself, it proved fruitless. And so Izuku had already moved in front of the boy, acting as a shield for the injured child….

Katsuki laughed and punched his palm creating a miniature explosion 'You playing a hero Deku!? You don't even have a quirk.'

He said nothing, Kacchan had made sure to remind him of it every day, he and his so-called friends had no qualms with beating him down despite his 'handicap.'

Today was no different he thought, bracing himself for the inevitable.

In another world he would have kept quiet and taken the beating quietly, but this was a different world….

'A hero would never use his quirk to hurt someone innocent' He whispered...his tone laced with conviction.

Katsuki reared his fist back 'You should really learn your place, Deku!'

And this was where everything became different, the moment Bakugou got close. Izuku's entire body glowed with power, a golden aura that seemed to move to protect its user from harm. It formed a flimsy barrier in front of Izuku and as soon as Bakugou's fist made contact. It pushed back, the resulting clash sent both kids flying away. The last sight that Izuku saw was Bakugou's cronies looking at him in fear and the kid he had saved looking at him with the same look he would give when he saw a hero, and this would completely change his future.

(Doctor's office)

'Well, it seems as though young Izuku-kun does have a quirk although it is far different than from what I've ever seen before'

Both Izuku and his mother were at the hospital after the fiasco with Bakugou. As they listened to the doctors conclusion of Izuku's new quirk.

'You seem to be capable of manipulating as well as create a type of energy, could you please summon your quirk again? There's a few tests I would like to have answered.'

With a nod Izuku focused inward and searched for his power after focusing on a warmth he 'pulled' the feeling upwards. As he opened his eyes he saw the Doctor staring at him in fascination. A gold sheen was covering Izuku head to toe, he noted it wasn't as strong as it was when he was facing Bakugou. As he turned to his mother he saw that she and even the Doctor seemed at peace, then abruptly the glow receded and almost as though they were broken from a trance they stared at him in awe.

The Doctor cleared his throat as he spoke ' Well it seems as though I was right,' seeing the confused look from both parent and child he decided to explain as simple as possible.

'Your quirk Midoriya-kun would be a very powerful asset to heroes, it seems you are capable of manipulating 'light' energy but it seems a bit different than the norm you are capable of what is closest to 'magic' and I don't mean the pulling a bunny out of hat trick'

'You see, your energy might be capable of many feats as its very nature seemed to affect us passively, a sense of peace. And your quirk could be manipulated to create light based objects, as I can recount from your tale about what happened with your friend.'

As the Doctor finished his explanation, Izuku and his mother were thrilled. Izuku was ecstatic, he could be a hero! He could become like All Might!

And then the Doctor spoke again

'Midoriya-kun, I would recommend that you train your quirk as much as you can. I shall make arrangements as it is the first time we have ever encountered something as special as this. There are multiple incidents that have occured due to the lack of experience in handling one's quirk(hint hint), I'm sure that within a few years you'll be in harmony with your quirk.'

(The next day)

It was a good day to be alive, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and Bakugou was running towards Izuku to deliver a beating..or would have if the teacher hadn't restrained by the teacher.

Details about Izukus new found quirk spread around the school within just a few hours after the incident, most were exaggerated about where he used his quirk to punch the living daylights out of Kacchan and another where Bakugou fainted like a bitch when he saw the might of Izukus quirk….the last one served to be the reason as for why Bakugou was being a little ball of sunshine right now.

The teacher after he made sure that Bakugou was not out to kill Izuku, explained to the class that the rumours were highly exaggerated and that it was merely Izukus quirk awakening that caused both him and Katsuki to become unconscious. The rest of the day went normally…..well as normal as a world where superheroes were considered normal. Izuku was pestered by the class to showcase his quirk, while technically 'against' the rules, everyone knew that they were merely guidelines to follow.

Taking a deep breath, Izuku 'willed' the energy forward into his arm and made a small solid sphere the size of a ping pong ball at most, and then he carefully made it move forward towards the class and then he started changing its direction with an increasing ease and then he started to change its shape making it into a larger sphere until he clenched his fist making the sphere pop out of existence in a flurry of sparks . A round of applause broke out with muttering about how 'cool' Izukus quirk was.

And through all of this Izuku broke out a small almost hesitant smile and his eyes were filled with tears. He'd done it, he was finally able to be a hero and he was accepted by his peers.

(Timeskip- Izuku age-14)

Izuku stared out the window as school was over, the past few years had been the best in Izukus life, although there it wasn't all rainbows and sunshine it was enough for him to be happy about. After his quirk had appeared his peers had patched up with him some even apologizing for their behaviour well except for Bakugou that is. While Izuku has no anger towards Kacchan it is not the same vice versa. While Bakugou seems to stop antagonising him like before, he still calls him 'Deku' but also his rival.

Izuku had gained a small reputation in his school, he had always disliked bullies and so he had made it a point to try and curve the number of cases of bullying in school, and while he didn't actively go searching for trouble , it seemed as though trouble came searching for him. He always came in between the bullies and the victim, while he didn't hurt any of the bullies he had never hesitated in defending both the victim and himself. This of course had set him at odds with Bakugou, but after a few clashes against him along with a lot of joint detentions, Bakugou had started to mellow down and also he had curved in his temper.

His train of thought was interrupted when he heard explosions ringing out in the field, Izuku let out a sigh as he got up and started to walk towards the sound of the explosions, he felt the familiar thum of his energy just beneath his skin. His 'energy' had of course become an integral part of his life, it had merged with his body providing a network of energy (1).

He had frequent trips to the Doctor mostly because after sometime his quirk started to become activate without his knowledge, to which he found that his quirk was becoming a passively activated quirk which in turn caused him to have a running system of energy in his body. After a many a tests with the doctor he had found his energy to be capable of healing many types of injuries, which ranged from scratches to the most advanced he had healed was a victim of a car accident.

He came to a stop when he found the cause of all the explosions, namely a walking ball of destruction, Bakugo Katsuki aka 'Kacchan'. He calculated the scene infront of him, a few what seemed to be delinquents on the ground while Bakugo was trying to blow up another delinquent who seemed to have a water based quirk. He saw one of the people on the ground get up and run towards Kacchan to tackle him, Izuku raised his arm and a small rope of light extended and wrapped itself around the guys leg and with a pull, his face made contact with the ground….hard.

This seemed to gain the attention of Bakugo and his opponent, the former of who had a smirk on his face. Taking advantage of his distracted opponent, Bakugo put him down with a haymaker.

Izuku on the other hand walked up to each person and healed the minor bruises and scratches most likely from the fight, by the time he was done he saw Kacchan waiting for he and Bakugo were not best of friends as they used to be, they had a mutual respect for each other and Izuku had always proven to Bakugo that he was on the same level as he was, although all of that were behind them.

Bakugo had changed after the continuous 'fights' with Izuku, he had stopped being much of a bully but his personality had left much to be desired. And he was always able to take his frustration out on some of the idiots trying to boss around the weak. And soon enough Izuku joined him, while Izuku was diplomatic and kept damage to a minimum while also making sure the proper measures were taken before much like informing the teachers. Bakugo was a 'punch first, ask questions later' type of approach person, the teachers had almost always turned a blind eye to the problems of these types, which was why they didn't get detentions most of the time.

As they walked to the teachers room, they had been thanked by said teacher were he left them and headed to where the rouge students were being kept. Bakugo took this opportunity to speak

'I had it under control, you didn't need to butt in.'

It lacked the heat and he was sure that Bakugo was just making small talk with him. Izuku raised an eyebrow but merely smirked and returned the friendly banter

'Sure you did,I just didn't wanna get called by the teacher because they caught you fighting. Because for some strange reason, they think we always have a hand in everything.'

'Who cares what they think, they're literally sheep'Bakugo replied with a scoff

While Izuku didn't like how Bakugo put it, he knew that it was true. It was a sad fact.

'Are you applying for the UA?'

The question was sudden and abrupt, Izuku stared at Kacchan. Who was staring at him unflinching, it was no secret that Bakugo was applying for UA and Izuku also plans of doing the same

'Yeah, I've done the mock tests. And we both know that UA is the best, Mom says the same.'

Bakugo said nothing and with a nod he left Izuku to his own devices, Izuku stared at the retreating form of his friend and let his feet take him to the hospital where he was gonna having his appointment with the doctor, as well as continue his internship under him. Due to the various effects with his quirk, he had regular contact with the doctor. His mother at the beginning had made it a point to visit the doctor every time Izuku had experienced problems or anytime his quirk acted out. Which was when Izuku had a heightened emotional state, and whenever he had a nightmare Izuku would bathe the entire room in a golden light and his mother had become worried even after repeated assurances from both him and the doctor.

Soon enough, after Izuku had turned 12 he had asked the doctor to issue an internship under him as it would let him gain a better control of his quirk. The cause had been when Izuku had witnessed a small accident and a lady with blond hair in two pigtails and a green haori from the crowd had healed the person to the best of her abilities and had saved his life. And with his motivation set in stone Izuku had begun his apprenticeship with the Doc.

The check ups were done to find whether his quirk had undergone any mutations, as had been frequent when he was young. The Doctor had always prescribed him on a routine of physical exercises to keep his body healthy enough to contain his quirk. Izuku had also taken up karate as a club which had lead him to have impressive physique for his age.

(Doctors office)

The Doctor finished his checkup, and turned to Izuku who had finished buttoning up the apprentice coat to his frame.

'It seems as though you are in good health Izuku-chan, your quirk continues to amaze me. It seems as though it breaks down anything extra and fuels your reserves as well keep energy for your body to function longer than average.'

Izuku gave a small smile at the Doctor, he had always been able to keep his training consistent due to his quirk, being a passive effect it had done wonders. Izuku had a physique suited for athletic individuals a solid 5'9, he had to undergo rigorous training so that his body could keep up with his quirk. His body was with a coat body fat which covers powerful muscles, while not particularly evident, it was noticeable. His hair was still messy, but had an array of spikes in the front. It was the first time on record that a quirk could be stronger than the user. But Izuku hadn't complained, the pros far outweighed the cons.

Izuku and the doctor went about their rounds together and had consulted with many patients about their ailments. Izuku had a knack of understanding healing arts and procedures, it came as easy as battle arts and tactics came to him. This allowed Izuku to have an extensive amount of medical knowledge in his brain, Izuku had also practiced his abilities under supervision of the Doctor to heal minor injuries soon after which they had moved onto harder and more complex injuries and with practice Izuku was able to do these procedures alone, yet he had always felt inexplicably tired.

He gave an awkward smile as one of the old ladies thanked him for his time. He had made many a breakthroughs with his quirk yet he had never been able to actually let loose, his training with the defensive aspects of his quirk was going well enough but he had truly wanted to experiment. His healing capabilities were 'marvelous' as dubbed by the Doc, as he was able to help and heal patients as well the fact his 'Aura' allowed him to induce a sense of peace with the patient.

Regarding the more offensive and supportive capabilities,he had practiced creating constructs which lead to achieve a certain level of proficiency in the art of his 'Construction' aspects. The more complex the structure, the more energy and concentration it needed. But once he was familiar with the object he was constructing he could 'Project' it in less than a second. He could also make his projections denser by saturating it with his energy. Then was his natural aura and a small sensory field, his Aura had helped him in calming down patients and of such where as his sensory field when actively used can give him a rough idea on his surroundings such as the number of people as well other details.

And then was his favourite 'Augmentation' he could in a sense augment limbs with his energy allowing him a great array of abilities, increase of strength, speed, reinforcement as well as an all around battle upgrade.

He was brought back to reality when the Doctor bonked him on the head while berating him for scaring the patients with his muttering.

The next day was the final day he had in school after which they would enroll in academies to pursue their dream of becoming heroes.

(The next day)

As Izuku sat in his class, his classmates around him were all excited as they waited for their teacher to get in the classroom. As the teacher entered, he told them all to settle down. After which he gave them all a heartfelt farewell and wishing them all the best of luck as well as telling that he believes in all of them. Although one Katsuki Bakugou smirked and decided to have some fun,

'Hey, teach! Don't lump me together with these extras!'

As the rest of the class realized that they were all insulted, an uproar rose within them, causing most of them to get out of their seats, waiting to fight Bakugou. The blonde had a savage grin, as he stood on his desk, miniature explosions appearing on his palms, showing that he was ready to fight as well. He shouted at them,

'Oh please, as if you're pathetic Quirks could match up to mine!'

'Oh yeah, you're enrolling to UA High, right Bakugou?'


He still had his grin as he pointed to the sky, and shouted to everyone around him,

'That's right! I'm gonna be the next big hero! Surpassing even All Might himself! Fame and fortune, and it all starts at UA High!'

'Ah, well then you'll have a good competition, Midoriya-kun is also enrolling to UA as well.'

As their teacher told everyone that, they all immediately turned their heads toward Izuku who while used to the stares was still a bit embarrassed which was given away by his wife eyes as well as the small blush on his face.

Then, everyone broke into a conversation,

'Oh yeah...Midoriya is...'

'Not that hard to believe I mean…'

'Midoriya has a really powerful quirk I heard that he managed to stop a lot of delinquents…'

'... and his quirk is even capable of healing and other cool stuff!'

Izuku turned his head towards Bakugou who was giving him a look of anticipation. Even though Bakugou acknowledges that he has a powerful quirk, he believes that his own 'Explosion' quirk is better.

'Well, I wish everyone the best of luck and so let's begin with our final day'

(After classes ended)

Izuku was walked towards his home with a beat in his step, after bidding farewell to all his classmates he left in a hurry to meet his mom as he had promised to help her cook today, he took a left and reached the tunnel that would let him reach his home faster. Suddenly he felt his sensory abilities warn him and so he subconsciously augmented his limbs and jumped to the side and the place where he was just a moment ago was immediately covered by a sludge that seemed to take shape.

'I didn't expect you to dodge that one kid, I won't hurt you much if you stay still now. I have a rather troublesome shadow that's following me.'

And with that the sludge-man shot forward to capture Izuku, who was frozen in his place at the sudden shift in his day. Suddenly, he snapped back to his senses when his energy burst from his form erecting a shield that halted the villains advance. Izuku's eyes sharpened and suddenly more energy burst from his form and transformed into golden weapons and shot towards the villain. He aimed to stall and not to injure but was surprised when the villain laughed as all the constructs passed through him.

'I'm in liquid form! Nothing you do can affect me!' and with a bellow the villain shifted to become a tidal wave, completely trapping Izuku within him. Then the sludge villain started to 'possess' Izuku's body, who retaliated with all his power. A bright light erupted from his frame slowly fighting the sludge from his body, the villain was surprised before it redoubled its efforts

'This power, it's incredible to be capable of putting up such a fight…'

Izuku's airway was suddenly blocked causing a sharp pain as well as even greater panic, Izuku tried to pull his hands away but was met with no other change to his situation. He then called his quirk to the surface and tried as futile as it was, to fight the villain. His quirk rushed to fill the demand solidifying itself to rise to the demand Izuku concentrated harder and poured all his energy to force the opponent to pull away. The brightness from Izuku's quirk blinded the villain and the energy seemed to heat up further preventing the villain to come close.

As the villain was finally forced to let Izuku go, he sneered as he attempted to intimidate Izuku only to see a sight that stopped him cold. Izuku's body was covered with a gold aura, his normal green eyes had been replaced by golden orbs of light that shone with power. But before Izuku could move, the aura receded leaving Izuku powerless and on the verge of unconsciousness. The villain stared at Izuku, before his expression changed to a form a twisted smile,


With that he was about to pounce on Izuku, only to stopped by a sudden voice.

'You won't do anything, why?... BECAUSE I AM HERE!'

And so the last thing Izuku saw before he slipped to unconsciousness was All Might rearing his arm back.


As Izuku was beginning to come back to senses, feeling like someone was shaking him. As he opened his eyes, he realized that he was actually looking at All Might himself. He was shocked at first and then he screamed scooting a few feet away from the hero.

All Might simply laughed,


The poor boy was speechless, as he was meeting his idol for the first time. He was unable to form an actual sentence, but his mind was overloaded with multiple thoughts. In his current state, he simply asked All Might,

'H-hold on! C-could y-you sign this - '

As he pulled out his notebook, he realized that All Might had already signed his signature on it. After continuously thanking All Might for it. He saw that All Might was coughing a bit and he turned away from Izuku. Izukus sudden medical experience kicked in and ran to All Might and grabbed him, the latter who didn't notice in his desperation to get away jumped high into the skies.

When All Might felt something tugging at his legs, and saw that Izuku was on him. He said,



'Oh yeah...'

As the two landed on top of a building, Izuku finally let go, taking in deep breaths, while All Might was looking at the city. After a few moments, All Might said,

'Oh shit'

'All Might, are you - WHAT THE - ALL MIGHT !YOU'RE SMOKING!'

'Oh n-'

Suddenly, All Might disappeared into a heavy cloud of smoke, shocking Izuku. As the smoke cleared up, Izuku was now looking at an incredibly thin man, wearing All Might's clothing. The boy was beyond shocked, seeing that his idol had turned into -

A cough and a stream of blood interrupted his thoughts


'It's no problem!'


The hero simply sighed, and had both him and Izuku sit on the floor and told him, Izuku immediately started using his quirk to lessen the blood flowing out and started using his quirk to try and find out what was wrong all while the hero simply stared at him, feeling inexplicably calm yet he could feel the energy slowly taking away his exhaustion. After a few silent minutes, it was Izuku who broke the silence….

'All Might….what happened, i was trying to diagnose your condition with my quirk. I know I shouldn't have without your permission….but I suddenly went with the flow. I….I got the feedback from my quirk….All Might...you have severe internal damage. Could I...could you please tell me what happened?'

All Might stared at the form of Izuku, he could see the emotions dancing in his eyes. He felt touched at the care expressed by the boy and so he lifted his shirt up, and Izuku saw heavy scaring all over his left side. It made him sick just looking at the wound. All Might told him,

'It was five years ago, I had fought an extremely powerful villain. He managed to destroy half of my respiratory system and the whole of my stomach.'

Izuku covered his mouth with his hands to stop the gasp coming, All Might if he noticed didn't bother and continued

'I've been able to hold my Hero form for only a few hours.'

'No way...'

'Yes I know it's hard to believe but that is the truth… I continue to fight crime because I cannot let the 'Symbol of Peace' be daunted by evil. As a Pro..well 'A Pro must always be willing to risk their life.'

Izuku gulped, he could feel the weight carried in those words. Izuku contemplated the information, his mind going into overdrive. It explained why there was only limited amount of footage of All Might the past few years. It then struck him at how taxing the injury was causing All Might.

'What's your name young man?'

Izuku turned to All Might, who was giving him a kind smile.

'It's Midoriya Izuku, sir.'

'Well Midoriya, I must ask of you to keep this new information a secret. You mustn't mention it, even by accident.'

Izuku nodded and-

Whatever Izuku wanted to say was washed out by an explosion that took place a few blocks away from them.

Both of them looked at each other and suddenly rushed down the building and to the place where the explosion took place only for them to have their blood run cold….

In the middle of the debris and fire was the same villain that All Might had fought and its newest victim

'Oh no... Kacchan!'

(A few minutes earlier)

Katsuki Bakugou wasn't having a very good day. He was out minding his business and planned on going to the arcade then suddenly he got attacked by a sentient blob of sewage.

'You have quite the quirk don't you?' The sewage asked as he wrapped his body over Katsuki.

In response, Katsuki let out another explosion causing more collateral damage.

'Very nice! With your body I'll be able to beat ALL MIGHT and that other Kid!'

Katsuki in retaliation continued using his quirk on their surroundings.

'Kid calm down!' One of the heroes trying to help him called out, 'With all of your explosions I can't get near enough to help you!' The hero, Kamui Woods, looked to the other heroes for help.

'I'd got my hands full, these fires are a bigger problem, there are still civilians in those buildings.' Backdraft the firefighter hero, called out over the noise, 'someone else needs to go!'

'I can't get in there, there's not enough space for me!' Mt. Lady replied.

Izuku who was close to having a breakdown ran to the front of the crowd leaving All Might on his own.

Izuku watched the chaos and was filled with guilt and dread he looked to Kamui Woods and asked

'Why? Why won't you help him? Why won't you save him?' He asked faintly, 'H-he needs help...'

'How is this so hard to understand!? Wood and fire do not mix kid! We have to wait for a hero with a suitable quirk to come.'

Izuku's eyes went back to Bakugo who was getting desperate, he could understand what Bakugo was feeling, Izuku was consciously fighting his desire to abandon all reason and rush into the fight, suddenly he heard the talk of the crowd

'I wonder why All Might isn't here? I mean he was chasing after this guy wasn't he?'

'All Might is here?! Really?!'

'Yeah I saw him chase that sludge guy, where the hell is he?!.'

Izuku's eyes filled with tears, he was sure exactly what happened. All Might must have dropped it while mid-air, Izuku felt the guilt…..it was because of HIM.

And that was what broke the camel's back Izuku let out a let scream as a golden shroud of energy covered him. His body had already moved before his brain could process what he was doing, his quirk enhanced his speed fuelled by his adrenaline let him make a beeline straight towards the villain and Bakugou. His body working overdrive to evade the debris and explosions. The screams by the hero and the crowd seemed distant, but it caught the attention of the villain

'YOU! I'LL KILL YOU' The villain screamed out before he shot a ball of sludge towards Izuku, who retaliated by conjuring a barrier and without slowing down, Izuku channeled his energy to form a ball of energy which shot towards the eye of the villain stunning him for a few seconds,

'Kacchan!' Izuku ran up to his childhood friend and ripped the villain's sludge off of his face he then used his quirk to scrape of the sludge from Bakugo

'What the hell are you doing here, Izuku!?'


All Might who was enthralled by the sheer courage and determination of the child whom he made met just minutes ago, suddenly felt disgusted with himself, he couldn't stand by and watch this destruction continue. His body slowly began to left off steam,

The sludge man tried knocking Izuku away but suddenly all of Izuku's energy lashed out and created a barrier which separated both Izuku and Bakugou from the villain.

Izuku wobbled to his feet holding Bakugou up he felt almost all his energy leave as the villain reformed, he could see the anger in the villain's eyes. In a last ditch attempt Izuku used his energy and augmented his strength and threw Bakugou onto the crowd where he was caught by Kamui Woods.

'You….'the villain sneered his body expanding 'I'll KILL YOU!'

As Izuku waited to be devoured by the villain he thought about how much more he wanted to accomplish in his life, but he had a small smile on his face

'At least Kacchan is safe'

Just before he was about to be devoured a burst of wind shot by him, when he looked up he saw All Might in his hero form bleeding from his mouth.

'I really am pathetic aren't I? To have to make a child step up and pick up my slack. We'll have to remedy that'

All Might turned to the villain and ripped his arm away and reared it back Izuku could feel the weight behind the punch, and with a roar All Might screamed


As his right fist made contact with the sludge villain, a wall of air so solid blew the villain away as well as causing the heroes to shield the civilians from the force that followed the punch, everyone had trouble to stand straight as a testament to the power backed behind the punch. Slowly drip by drip rain started to fall from the skies ending the fight and slowly extinguishing all the remaining fires.

(After the fight)

As Izuku walked home after being checked on by the medics, he was in a way happy even though he came close to losing his life. The heroes had come to him personally and told what he did was foolish but also told him what he did was the mark of a true hero, it also had nothing to do with the fact that Mt Lady gave him a kiss on the cheek for his bravery, nope, not at all.

Bakugou was still unconscious and was taken to the hospital, and so he was midway through the trek towards him home when suddenly


'A-All Might! I thought you were being surrounded by the reporters?'

'That was no problem, because I am All - BLARGHH!'

As he turned back to actual form, coughing up blood, shocking Izuku. After that little commotion, he looked at Izuku again, and told him,

'Kid, I just want to say thank you, and to give you an offer.'

'What do you mean?'

'I saw you run head first into danger,! While I, I just stood there among the crowd, watching it all.

Even when the Pro-Heroes stood still you Young Midoriya-kun you ran towards certain death and you won! The pros themselves congratulated you and it's is as they said.

Every Hero, all had one thing in common: their bodies moved on their own, without a single thought.'

Izuku hearing all that coming from his idol's mouth went on his knees, overwhelmed and feeling tears coming out of his eyes. As he looked at All Might once more, he told the boy,

'That is why...you'll be the one to inherit my power!'


I have finished re-writing this because I had finally got a name for the power and also I felt it would be a waste to abandon this story. This idea had been on my mind for a while. Basically the gist is this, Izuku is gonna have a battlemage type character build. His other quirk is basically 'Aether' not the MCU version, it's the 'Fifth Element' I had actually designed the power before I found out about aether so I had adopted the name. I had found it after I was desperate for a name. I also thank everyone who has reviewed and suggested the names for Izuku.

Also, there's one more small change in One for all, it's said that it unlocks the potential power in its user, well in this Universe it has another power. The power to amplify, not just the physical aspects but in this case his other quirk.

Izuku will be OP, but he won't be a Gary stu. Hopefully.

For those who want to know about the powers please PM me or leave a review, I'll try my best to get to it and I'll surely have them answered.

Pairing is gonna be Ochako and Momo with Izuku. Also please review on how the story is and if you want to have Izuku keep the DEKU name. Feel free to leave suggestions on his powers or anything in general.

'So, Aizawa, any update on Mugen?'

Aizawa Shouta, also known as Underground Pro-hero Eraserhead was currently reporting the situation of the vigilante Mugen who they have reportedly failed to capture to Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa, they were both put on Mugen's case ever since the vigilante has been causing more trouble 4 years ago, and to think that the problem child was still not captured, it was really frustrating.

Shouta sighed.

'Unfortunately... No. However Mugen seemed down the last time I talk to him... Well not like it is anything important, he is probably just having a shit day.'

The detective hummed in response, it was not like he really expected any progress, 4 damn years, they still only own few pieces of information regarding the vigilante.

'It has been a while since we have come across a vigilante who is able to remain mysterious for years.'

What Are Izuku Midoriya's Powers

Naomasa said with a low chuckle.

'I know you won't call me here just for this, spill it.'

Shouta said, slightly annoyed, he really didn't like people beating around the bush. It was just more efficient and time saving to just directly say it.

'Alright, alright.'

Naomasa gave a friendly smile before his face turned serious.

'Yesterday I received a message from Nedzu.'

Shouta's eyebrows twitched up in amusement, noticing Shouta's amusement the detective continued.

'Mugen has been getting pretty popular hasn't he? Nedzu offered us a request or more like a proposal to Mugen something.'

This can't be good.

Shouta immediately thought, he knew Nedzu always had some crazy ideas, that rat- or mouse creature thing was an absolute pyscho. To make it even worse, whatever Nedzu had in mind, he always make it come true, even if it sounds completely impossible.


Shouta was prepared for the news- or so he thought.

'Well... Nedzu wanted to offer a teaching spot for Mugen if he ever gets captured..'

That is it, Shouta choked on his own spit and started coughing furiously. Detective sent him a worried glance and stood up, about to assist Shouta.

'Are you okay?'

Shouta regain his composure.


Detective sat back down.

'That rat did what-?!'

Naomasa sighed, before replying.

'I should have know you would be totally against this..'

'Well duh? That rat can be crazy but this? It is just absurb. Like what the fu-'

'Aizawa it is not that bad.'

Shouta groaned.

'Yes it is. It is disastrous.'

'I mean it possibly can't be that bad right? Mugen doesn't even look like such a terrible person.'

'Detective, Mugen is a freaking criminal.'

'Yet he has done more good than bad.'

'He is annoying as fuck.'

'That is honestly just your opinion.'

Shouta let out another exasperated sigh, Naomasa seeing Shouta's defeated form, he continued.

'Mugen is a criminal, yes that is for sure, however it is no doubt that he had done more good than evil too, heck I am even a bit grateful to him for helping us patrol the places no pro heroes would go, honestly.'

As much as Shouta want to deny it, he couldn't, the statement was true, Mugen really did helped a lot.

'I am going to go talk to Nedzu..'

Shouta sighed. He was going to beat some sense into the rat, even if he knew that it was probably impossible to convince the rat otherwise once he had decided on something. He always gets what he wants.

'Good luck, you know how stubborn Nedzu is.'

'Yeah, thanks... Have a nice day detective.'

Naomasa smiled gently.

'Likewise, Eraser.'

Shouta groaned.


(Sorry) Time skip

Hitoshi met with the sand, huffing and gasping, every muscle he had hurts. It was hell, Midoriya-sensei is an absolute demon.

It has been two months since Midoriya-sensei had started training him, every session is hell, even if he was given sufficient rest time, his muscles always end up aching after the training session, and now Hitoshi was defeated once again in a spar by none other than his mentor, Midoriya-sensei, he was flipped 180 from one side to another. It was the sixth time he had lost to Midoriya-sensei in a spar today.


Hitoshi groaned. Izuku said nothing, he let Hitoshi's head go, Hitoshi slowly got up, limping, he was barely able to stand up straight without falling.

'One more ti-'

Izuku cut his student off, it was enough training, he couldn't afford to have Hitoshi overworking.

'No, it is enough for today.'

Hitoshi protested almost immediately.

'B-but it is not enough! I can barely even stand 2 minutes against you sensei... How am I supposed to pass the UA exam if I am still like this? There is barely 7 months left... I can't make it if I am this weak...'

Izuku sighed, he understood how frustrating it is, but the boy couldn't possibly thought that he could get as good as him in a few months did he?

'Shinsou-kun. 7 months isn't a lot, hell it is impossible to be enough for you to get as strong as me.'

Hitoshi visibly deflated at that statement, before he could comment, Izuku interrupted again.

'However, do you really expect to fly to the best of best in a few months when I spent years investing parkour skills and hand to hand combat techniques? It is impossible Shinsou-kun, right now you just have to do what you can, you are not weak, if you were I wouldn't even have spent any effort in teaching you in the first place. Right now you goal is to be able to stand let's say.. 7 minutes against me before UA exam, let's go for that and not get ahead of ourselves shall we? '

Hitoshi blinked away his devastation and nodded eagerly again.


'Alright shall we get starte-'

'Izuku? Heyyy Izuku little man!'

A loud enthusiastic interrupted. A blonde hair man with a cartoonish face ran over to Izuku.


Mirio grinned excitedly and slapped Izuku's back repeatedly.

'Little man! Haven't seen you for a while! What cha up to?'

Izuku looked up to Mirio. Coughing a bit from the slaps on the back Mirio had given him.

'Mirio... Ouch.'

Mirio immediately stopped and bowed to apologize.

'Ohhhh Sorry little man!'

Mirio said, booming with energy. He was always energetic and happy, Izuku wondered how and where did this man got his energy from, Izuku just replied in a tired tone.

'It is fine... Not really up to anything.'

'Uhh... Midoriya-sensei? Who might this be...?'

Hitoshi said hesitantly, announcing his presence.

Mirio blinked at Hitoshi, cartoon eyes staring at Hitoshi's tired eyes which gleamed with confusion. Before Mirio bursted out in laughter. Hitoshi only jumped back a bit more at the weird cartoon faced man.

'HAHAHA, Midoriya-sensei? Izuku you had a last name after all HAHAHHA! And a student? How did you even get pffft one!?'

Izuku face palmed, questioning his life right now.

Izuku Midoriya's Mom

'Yes Mirio, I forgot my last name the last time we met.'

Mirio choked.

'You- How -? Ppft! w--what? Pffd-HAahaha!'

Izuku looked incredibly annoyed, he was giving a muderous aura, eyebrows twitching together irritably. Hitoshi gulped, Midoriya-sensei looked terrifying, he don't think he have even seen him look so terrifying in his life ever.

'It is not that funny, stupid cartoon face.'

Izuku cursed under his breath. Unfortunately Mirio has overheard Midoriya's curse and started laughing uncontrollably again. Midoriya turned his face away from this scene and rolled his eyes, while Hitoshi watched the whole scene happenened, half of him panicking and another half of him found this amusing. After Mirio got a good laugh, he regained his composure.

'So.. Who is this purple haired little dude?'

Mirio asked with a friendly smile, obviously curious about the younger teen who was so called Izuku's 'student'. Whereas Hitoshi was still processing the weird man's outburst of laughter and didn't reply immediately. Both of the teenagers stood there while staring at each other awkwardly. Izuku couldn't stand those two's awkward staring contest and was getting irritated, he decided to break the silence.

'Tch.. That is Hitoshi Shinsou...'

Both of the boys' attention immediately snapped to Izuku. Izuku just glanced away from their stare while Hitoshi broke out of his proccesing and started stuttering, embarrassed to the fact he obviously judged a stranger and awkwardly stared at them.

' I-I am so sorry, my name is Hitoshi Shinsou. Uhh.. Midoriya-sensei is my mentor, I am.. Uh trying really hard to get into UA! It is my dream.'

Mirio's attention twitched to the words 'trying to get into UA.' finding interest in the purple haired teen, he offered a hand to shake while introducing himself.

Izuku Midoriya 100% Mugen

'Mirio Togata! Nice to meet you Shinsou-kun! Oh, and it is fine you probably thought I was weird for laughing like crazy hahaha.'

Shinsou accepted the hand and grinned.


After their brief introductions Mirio started asking questions about Izuku and his new student again. However, before he could start, he was interrupted by Izuku.

'I know there are millions of question in your brain right now, before you could say anything, I was blackmailed into teaching this kid for his 'getting into UA' shit. '


'I was blackmailed.'

Izuku deadpan again, to make sure that Mirio doesn't get the wrong idea of him teaching others willingly.

'Blackmailed? How?'

Mirio no longer held a smile, which was a rare sight for Izuku at least. He had his head titled a bit to the side out of confusion his eyes were looking for answers.

'Why would I tell you how he blackmailed me? Just so you can blackmail me too?'

Mirio stifled a laugh and grinned enormously.

'You got a point! So, Shinsou-kun.. You want to get into UA?'

Attention was shifted to Hitoshi, as Hitoshi nodded eagerly in response to Mirio's question.

'Yes! More than ever! It has always been my dream ever since I was young.'

Mirio grinned at the determined answer.

'Haha! Well Shinsou-kun, let me give you some advice!'

'Advice? Eh?'

'Yup! Advice. On the entrance exam.'

Hitoshi stood there and went deep in his thoughts for a while.

'Wait.. If you know about the entrance exams.. Togata-san have you took the exams before?!'

Hitoshi was immediately excited and curiosity caught up with him, he was desperate to learn more about this blonde haired man. Mirio let out a whole hearted laugh.

'Correct! I have taken the entrance exams two years ago and is currently in my second year of UA.'

Hitoshi eyed Mirio with wonder and Mirio continued, acknowledging Hitoshi's interest.

'The entrance exams are going to be robots as you might already know.'

Hitoshi nodded. He had researched about UA entrance exams a lot of time before, mainly because his Quirk was brainwash, he remembered getting super devasted after learning about how the exams worked.

Midoriya Izuku Birthday

'I don't know what Quirk you have.. But no matter what Quirk you have there is an advantage! Or I would say weakness of the bot.'


Hitoshi was extremely interested, and maybe a bit frustrated, he searched for days and nights for weakness of the robots in UA, but so far haven't found anything. They made it seem like impossible to defeat without a Quirk that can deal physical damage.

Mirio grinned and continued.

'On the feet of the robots there is a control panel.'

Wait what?

'They are weakness of the bots! Since they can't move without a control panel for obvious reasons. Even with any quirks just destroy the control panels and the robot will immediately be defeated.'

If it is that obvious than why couldn't i find it even after days and nights of researching?!

Part of Hitoshi was really pissed off and frustrated another part is happy that the robots actually have a weakness and getting into UA hero course seems a more reachable dream now.

'Haha! That is the small tip i am going to give you little man! I hope to see you in UA next yeat, you seem cool. And with that! I shall get going otherwise I will be late for school, you should ready for school too! See youuuuuu-!'

With that, Mirio sprinted off to school leaving the two other teens behind as their stare at his retreating back slowly runs out of sight.

Wait school what time is it-

Anxiously, Hitoshi took a glance at his watch.

7:04 AM


'Ohhh shit I am soo late! See you later Midoriya-sensei!!'

Hitoshi yelled while panicking as he grabbed his bag and sprinted as fast as his legs allow him, Izuku just awkwardly stood there and waved to his pupil while watching his form fading in distance.

Izuku stood there for a few minutes before he was able to procesprocess everything and immediately, his thoughts directed to what Mirio had said earlier.

'The weak point is the control panel.'

That was it! If only he could train Shinsou into being able to rekt control panels in lightning speed then he would be able to pass the exams with no problem. But will that really be enough points? Considering the other kids with quirks that can deal physical damage might be able to destroy three robots when Shinsou is only done deactivating one.

Izuku sighed deeply, this was going to be harder than he thought. With that, Izuku made his way home to research more about UA exams and hopefully find some information here and there... if not he will just taunt it out of Eraserhead. Yeah, that sounds fun at the very least. Izuku can image how annoyed Eraserhead's expression will be already.

Now get to work!


Eraserhead the underground hero, or better known as Aizawa Shouta in school was annoyed, he was going to murder that rat, Aizawa knew that the rat was always reckless and had crazy and completely absurb ideas, but having Mugen to teach was just... not even reckless it was straight up a terrible idea, Mugen is a god-damned criminal! What did that genius Rat mouse thing wanted?

Shouta knocked furiously on the principal's office door, or Nedzu's office, also known as the rat Shouta had been referring to the whole time.

'Aizawa Shouta.'

Shouta reported in his usual dead voice mixed with a tint of annoyance.

'Come in!'

An energetic voice was heard from inside the door. Shouta resisted the urge to slam open the door and slowly opened it, trying hard not to grab Nedzu by the neck and yell in his face.

'Ah, Aizawa-kun what brings you here?'

'Nedzu.. You know why.'

Nedzu had that unwavering smile plastered on his face and nodded while grinning.

'Nedzu, your plan is impossible!'

'You always say that.'

'It is different this time.'

'How so?'

'Mugen is a criminal for God's sake!'

Nedzu's expression remained unchanged, and Shouta understood that Nedzu had a very good idea who Mugen was, as much as how reckless Nedzu seemed to be, it is undeniable that is one of the smartest people-? Thing.

Nedzu had a good idea of Mugen's criminal record too, he, himself had researched the mysterious Vigilante before suggesting this proposal. He completely understands how reckless he must seem right now, but he had done his research and learnt that Mugen has not even once ever used his Quirk and can even bring any items around him to a deadly offensive weapon. It was a skill lots of heroes nowadays lacked due the relying on their quirks too much, and it was a skill that would be extremely beneficial to their students for their future and of course to being a better hero.

'Yes Aizawa-kun I very well know that.'

'Then why-?!'

Nedzu's smile faded, a rare serious expression was shown on the rat's face.

'Aizawa-kun, you as one of the heroes who had been on the case of chasing Mugen for a few years should have noticed this by now, Mugen's analytical skills are terribly amazing, so amazing it is a bit scary, he could practically turn anything he finds into an offensive weapon. '

Shouta couldn't deny that fact, Mugen was indeed a very analytical person, that is what makes him so hard to catch even him chasing him all the times, Mugen's techniques were pure skills, it has always been, which is why it is also understandable that he might have caught the principal's eye.

'I think you already know what I am getting to, being analytical is a skill many heroes nowadays lacked due to over relying on their quirks.'

Shouta agreed deeply, most heroes nowadays had physically offensive quirks rather than mental quirks, which often drives to a problem where they over rely on their quirks, therefore leading it to be impossible for them to fight without a Quirk. Shouta, as a person who had an erasure Quirk knew enough to understand that since most heroes are just useless without their quirks after he erased them.

'I get your point, Nedzu, but is it really necessary to find Mugen out of everyone you could choose?'

Nedzu smiled before explaining again.

'We UA, as a top hero school always want to provide the top education, it is necessary to find the best of the best to provide our students with quality teachers.'

Shouta sighed, he really wanted to protest, but Nedzu already seemed dead set on the goal, there is definitely no changing his mind now.

'I guess so..'

Shouta finally said, giving up on convincing the rat. Nedzu smiled upon seeing Shouta's defeated expression. And went back to his cheery tone.

'Alright then Aizawa-kun! I wish you good luck on catching Mugen, is there anything else you might need?'

'No, that is all I will get going.'

'Have a nice day!'

Shouta didn't even bother to respond this time, he was tired and just close the door. No longer wishing to be in the same room as Nedzu. He made his way to the staff room.

He really wished that Mugen will be captured soon.

Opening the staff room door he saw chaos that he definitely wasn't expecting to see nor want to deal with at the moment, it was too early for this.

'What the...'

Shouta didn't even want to question how Nemuri was able to get on the ceiling with her hands clutching to some pipes on them. While some teachers are laughing the others completely ignored the situation and continued working like usual.

'Ahhhhhh! Good morning shouuuuuuuutaaaaaa!'

Hizashi screamed when he spotted Shouta at the door, Shouta facepalmed and sighed heavily, this was going to be a long day.


Uraraka Ochaco was just at school, like any normal days. She was currently in Maths class and trying her best to catch up with the rest of her classmates. She was quite behind in Maths even though her other subjects were average. She always struggled with the equations and could never get how they even work.

Alright the answer should be 34!

Ochaco raised up her hand, she was confident this time.


'Is it 34?'

'Wrong, who else want to try.'

Ochaco deflated back in her seat, she was pretty sure that was the correct answer too! Then why..

Ochaco groaned silently.

She sat through the whole lesson copying noted and trying to process every new things the teacher taught until it was lunch, she still sat there, organizing her notes and unconscious that her friend had sat next to her for a while already while staring at her.



Yuzuki Ayume is Ochaco's best friend, they had been good friends ever since their first year, Yuzuki was a smart and intelligent girl, that is why it didn't matter to others that her Quirk didn't stand out.

'Yu-Yuzu-chan?! When did you get here!'

Ochaco exclaimed, recovering from shock.

'I have been here 5 minutes ago, enjoying my lunch while watching you work.'

Yuzuki stated blantly.

'No way! I didn't notice you at all. You should have said something!'

'You just seemed so digilent, didn't want to bother you, miss future hero~'

Yuzuki teased while resting her chin on her hand.

'Yuzu-chan~ stopppp.'

Ochaco covered up her face in embarrassment and her face turned completely pink. Yuzuki sat there with a smug face, Ochaco really hated it when Yuzuki teased her.

'Shut up! Class genius!'

It was time for Ochaco to be smug when she sees red flaring up the other's face.

'Hehe~ the tables have turned Yuzu-chan~'

'You are so evil Ochaco!'

'Says you!'

They looked at each other for a few moments before both of them bursted out laughing at their stupidity and how childish their conversation and 'argument' was.

'Though Ochaco, you still don't get the maths? You looked really confused back in class.'

Ochaco's attention snapped up to her best friend. She frowned and started venting.

'Yeah! I don't get it! Why is math so hard~ Even if I worked so hard already!'

'Need some tutoring?'

Yuzuki broke Ochaco out of her vent.


Ochaco replied, absolutely sure of what she wanted.


Izuku Midoriya's Room

(Back to Izuku)

Izuku was browsing through the net back in his apartment, hoping to find any more information on the UA entrance exams. On weakness simply wasn't enough to pass, if possible, he would like Shinsou to aim for top 10 too.

Google search : UA entrance exams.


I took the UA entrance exams today! It was so insane and the robots were crazy strong~ It was to be honest quite scary-


Izuku couldn't find anything, yet few hours had already passed. Was it a rule of UA for students who passed to not post about any tips? Scratch that, it probably was. As far as he knew none of the reviews were actually written by students who passed, that is probably the reason why. The only option left for Izuku is to taunt it out of Eraserhead.

Speaking of Eraserhead, Izuku hadn't seen him recently, mostly because he wasn't that active recently because he needed to attend his school too while having to research about stuff in the morning and not to mention think of plans about what to teach Hitoshi next, Izuku practically only slept for an hour something each day, even if it didn't affect Izuku much. Izuku decided he was going for a longer patrol today, he wasn't going to go back until he sees Eraserhead.

The only good thing is that Eraserhead always mange to find him after two to three hours of patrolling, Izuku just had to patrol for three hours, recently he had been patrolling for one and a half hour only, which is why Eraserhead didn't manage to find him.

Izuku sighed, as much as how fun taunting Eraserhead is, it was certain he would get suspicious of him asking about the UA exam, now he probably needed a plan to taunt it out of him without raising any flags. Izuku couldn't take the risk of raising any flags, since Izuku had basically taught Hitoshi the techniques he used, Hitoshi will inherit his fighting style, Eraserhead is one of the heroes that had chased him for years, it is easy for Eraserhead to be able to spot his fight style in his at first glance, besides, once Eraserhead put the pieces together, he would most likely force it out of Hitoshi and Izuku would have to not only abandon his student to run, but probably have to find a new apartment since his face will most likely be exposed to the public, he won't be able to buy any new apartments or go to stores without covering up his face either, which would only make him seems more suspicious.

Izuku sighed... This was not going well at all.