Mauser 1914 Serial Number Lookup
1914 mauser 7.65mm, 1914 mauser pistol serial numbers, mauser 1914 32 acp, mauser 1914 magazine for sale, mauser 1914 pistol serial number lookup, mauser 1914 pistol serial numbers, mauser 1914 pistol value, mauser 1914 serial. HSc pistols used by the Luftwaffe or Waffen-SS were procured from Army and police stocks. Production began in late 1940 at serial number 700,000, as an extension of the serial number range of the Mauser Model 1934 pistol, a much more difficult pistol to manufacture. MAUSER HSC Description: 380 Cal; 98% blue, very good bore, good grips, 3.4' barrel, Very slight wear on the edges of the muzzel, The left slide has the Mauser Trade Mark MAUSER-WERKE A.G. Oberndorf aN. Over Modell HSc Made in Germany. The right slide has the serial number. And an insp mark as does the frame.
- But there was another Mauser pistol, one that was not Winston Churchill’s favorite, one that was not associated with great political upheavals, but one that was a quiet achiever that sold around half a million copies across its model variants, and that pistol was a design that was originally conceived around 1908-1909 and which became best known as the production models of 1910 and 1914.
- By 1926 the Geco catalogue was showing the Standard Model 1914 Mauser pistol in 7.65 mm. In Mauser Pocket Pistols 1910-1946 by Roy G. Pender III (on page 99) we see a presentation Mauser Humpback pistol given to Adolph Drossel by Paul Mauser. It is inscribed with the date of March 1914 and has the serial number 130.
1908 Erfurt 1914 Erfurt Military 1914 Erfurt Artillery Double Date Erfurt Simson & Co. Rework Simson Grip Safety Rework Simson Dated Military Simson S Code Deaths Head Rework Kadetten Institute Rework Mauser Unmarked Rework Mauser Oberndorf 1934/06 Swiss Commercial Mauser 1935/06 Portuguese 'GNR' 1934 Mauser Commercial S/42 K Date S/42 G Date. Looking for some help determining the date of manufacture for a model 1914 with a serial number 138883. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
380 Mauser Hsc Serial Number 0130483
Guys, The 'L' marking dates this pistol as a later version than the one Frank cited Perhaps the Early Nazi Police model There are several variations of this version but the 'L' seems to make it the early one. To my knowledge they were put into service in both.32 acp and in.380 Auto. These tend to function best with Military ball grade ammo with a round nose bullet,but in sound shooting condition it is suitible for any of the commercial loadings in either caliber.I would put value at approx $400-$500 less without the original magazine.again to my knowledge the magazines carried the serial number at the lower left side.
Makarov serial numbers. This pistol has been in production since 1938 and was made with both steel and alloy frames. They are good solid handguns,but were overshadowed by the Walthers. If you list all the markings EXACTLY as they appear both in wording and format plus the quality of the finish as some versions are held apart by finish. Ok it is the 7.65 mm as stated in the topic title which is 32 ACP. And yes the L under the eagle on the left side by the trigger guard makes it an early police issue pistol.
It has an N under the eagle on the right side by the trigger guard and in the front right side of the barrel. The finish as stated above is aprox.
95% with very little wear. The same is true for the grips. The serial number,762868, also shows it to be an early model. The left front of the barrel also is very readable, Mauser-Werke A. Oberndorf a N. 7.65 mm, With the Mauser logo in front of all this.
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Hopefully someday I can find the original magazine. But for now I have one from the same time period but without the matching serial number. I am told that as the war went on they stopped imprinting them with the serial numbers. I also have a very nice holster for this in excellent shape with the nazi logo on the front of it with the initials D.R.G.M. Over some kind of emblem with a couple rifles crossing each other with the letters AKAN on the bottom of the emblem. This all loks embossed into the holster. Vmware workstation serial. Thanks much for the help.
As a point of reference, go to The item 33-54 is a wartime HSc and has the slide markings and style of wood grips of that era. Earlier wartime HSc's lack the three horizontal bars in the middle of the 2nd line of the slide markings (looks nearly like a solid band in the illustration); this space is blank on earlier HSc's. Note that the very earliest HSc's have the grip screw located much lower on the pistol. (Police pistols should be later.) The 'eagle with the letter N' is a German commercial proof mark of the era; all HSc's, commercial, military and police pistols have this mark.
1910 Mauser Pistol Serial Numbers
'The serial number,762868, also shows it to be an early model.' None of my references give production years vs. Serial numbers; likely detailed production records, like those for Walthers, were destroyed in the war. The L under the eagle on the left side by the trigger guard makes it an early police issue pistol.' The sight channel should be matted and there should be a lanyard loop milled in the heel of the gripstrap.

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